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Dev Blog: Week 9 - Back to Classic TD

HELLLLLLLO! It is me Godboy again!! After last week's discussion and development, we have some adjustment made and going down a straight road.

Firstly, light source building restriction mentioned last week's dev blog. We have tried this building restriction but the overall feeling is a bit tedious and not that suitable for a 3D action game, we are pretty sure it will work if it is a top-down tower defense game.

Secondly, removing blockades & reducing the smartness of monsters. We have been trying to balance between TD & Action game, but the conclusion we had was, it is impossible to make a two sided sword, action + TD game, not saying they are mutually exclusive, just that it is impossible to make a perfect action & perfect TD game at the same time. We are planning to make it similar to Dungeon Defenders' TD, plus improved action elements plus Plant VS Zombie's resource management. We hope this combination will challenge classic-TD players and action-game players as well!

Thirdly, R&D!! It is critical for the game to have enough depth and freedom to level-up, research, improve the towers. We are still discussing what the best way to provide sufficient depth for players to enjoy and still within the production scope is. We are proposing a Tech-tree upgrade where you unlock the tech-tree (new units) through leveling and research the upgrade through research points / how many missions it requires to complete. Additionally, upgrading existing units (damage/attack interval), through in-game currency.

We hope to show you more next week!!

Draft concept of resource generator - Harvestor?

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