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Dev Blog: Week 16 - TGS & Updates

Hey, Hell Warders! Its the week 16 of Hell Warders weekly dev blog. Hope you guys enjoyed reading the blog, although there have been some delays with the development, I want to give you guys some updates about the game.

Firstly, we will be attending Tokyo Game Show, both me and my partner. We have scheduled a few meetings with publisher and producer, hope it will bring us more insights about the game industry and improve our work.

Secondly, we are finally close to releasing our next update. We sincerely apologize for the delay in the update, as we are testing out different settings, which is very different from the previous version. We have shifted from a "Party co-op" mode into a campaign mode, which is a huge challenge for us, we hope to be able to release the update within two weeks time, we are VERY VERY close.

Give you guys some screenshots of our work in progress!

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